Code for books box counting capillaries basic properties sedimentation gas diffusion thermal cond heat travel time analysis water retention fit column water cont poiseuille unsat cond infilt redis 1D Miller miller triangulation criteria3d CRITERIA 3D LAB (NEW) evaporation coupled fluxes date coupled Fluxes sol transport an sol transport num transpiration bound layer cond circle average Tair weather data celsius to fahrenheit read data file soil temp num derivation num integration gauss elimination thomas algorithm Num sol:lin DiFF EQ Nonlin logistic: cobweb plots Nonlin logistic map: detail bifurcation Density logistic map: 1 trajectory Ideal pendulum: small oscillations Lorenz attractor Lorenz PCA Random: recurrence plot Damped driven pendulum Nonlinear logistic map: entropy Function Trho.test.SA Udf autom phase diagram NOISY LIN DYN Toeplitz-SSA mechanics Fourier spectrum time series Scatter plot cos sin oscil identical freq Induce complex dyn nonstat lin dyn Nonlinear prediction FUNCT solve Lorenz system how to calculate C func cor dim time series Takens est Lyapunov exponent Surrogate data testing UDF delayed CCM R code CCM UDF SST change-point detect Tipping-point detection UDF multivar polynomial LASSO regression UDF phenom Lorenz model Phenom 1 obs var Extreme value statistics data Chap2_exer6 Chap4_exer1 Chap3_Exer7 Cobweb plots Nonlin logistic: bifurcation Nonlin logistic map Logistic map: density, M trajectories Embed pendulum: ideal small oscillations Lorenz system: density, 1 trajectory Logistic: recurrence plot Lorenz correlation dimension Damped driven pendulum Function surrogate.AR Phase diag 2D LIN ODE irregular noisy lin dyn SVD-SSA mechanics Fourier spectrum single sine wave SSA: matrix decomposition and grouping diagnostics SSA: batch method SSA: reconstruction of time series embedded data matrix obs time series Nonlinear cross prediction PPS surrogates cor dim time series Takens est Kantz Schreiber algorithm Lorenz attr Discriminating statistics UDF convergent cross map Network adj matrices SST change-point detect Change-point detection point-by-point UDF 4-order cent fin diff OLS regression UDF goodness FIT Phenom 3 obs var Extreme value statistics userdeffunc Chap2_Exer5 Chap4_exer8 Chap4_Ex3 Chapter 2 HISTORICAL BACkGROUND CHAPTER 3 INTRODUCTION STOCHASTIC PROCESSES CHAPTER 4 POISSON PROCESSES CHAPTER 5 RANDOM WALK CHAPTER 6 ARMA PROCESSES CHAPTER 7 SPECTRUM ANALYSIS CHAPTER 8 MARKOV CHAIN MONTECARLO CHAPTER 9 BAYESIAN INFERENCE CHAPTER 10 GENETIC ALGORITHMS CHAPTER 11 PROBLEM OF ACCURACY CHAPTER 12 SPATIAL ANALYSIS CHAPTER 13 HOW RANDOM IS A RANDOM PROCESSES APPENDIX A - BOOTSTRAP APPENDIX B - JAGS EXERCISE SOLUTIONS